Watch Your Links

I usually avoid talking about anything Serious here, it’s Facebook after all and I am not immune to irony. But, I want to raise awareness about a newly popular form of Internet Badness: Search Engine Poisoning now that I’m starting to see it turn up in normally “safe” areas.


Say you search from something relatively obscure, something medievalists do quite a bit. And, down the results page(s) a ways, you start seeing search results from dodgy sounding domains that none the less appear to have a page all about what you are looking for. Do Not Click that link.

Example search term: “Weird Viking Rituals”

And one of the results is: “ > weird_viking_rituals”


Hell that sounds perfect. You click the link and you get a (seemingly) blank page. Or, even worse, you get a PDF file. Welcome to getting infected by malware. Bad guys are managing to inject dynamically constructed URLs into Google search results to lead the unwary into a minefield of malware.


  1. Pay attention to domain names.
  2. Avoid ones that are misspelled or have an odd TLD.
  3. Be suspicious of any link that includes misspellings.
  4. Always browse from the safest config you can manage
  5. Never open PDFs from an untrusted source


I recommend browsing from a fully patched and locked down Firefox, preferably running in a VM that you can burn if you suspect an infection. That’s not 100%, but it’s very good and it’s almost zero impact to use once setup.

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