The Dogs Miss Us (and we miss them)

Not much to say, really. I have made two short trips to the mothership for work, but Jess has not left the dogs since the Before Times. Marcus stayed home to watch them. Well, he might have had other reasons, but watching the dogs was, in our view, his primary mission.

He did a good job. the first shot here is a proof of life picture of Hedda:

Hedda Waiting During Pennsic 49
Hedda Waiting for Daddy

In addition, I set up the two IP cameras I own so we could peek in on them from time to time. These Wyze (not to be confused with Waze) cameras, like all of their ilk, are hideously insecure. Whenever I plug one in, I hear in my head a quip from this Red Team pen-tester saying, “I’m in your network, I’m root, and I can see you…” These things live in a box in the basement unless we’re leaving the house for days. When we do that, the computers are all powered off and the phones and iPads are in our possession (i.e., not on the home network to be owned). So it’s reasonably safe. When we return, they go back in their box, then we power up our equipment.

This is a screen grab, blown out because these things have no dynamic range, but you can see Sasha and her dog friend Dash who’s visiting while Sarah and Noe came to check out Pennsic.

Dogs in the Window
Dogs in the Window

Hedda and Rigo are on the floor out of the frame.

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